Weekend Intensives

A Weekend Intensive is either a live course event or an online course hosted by The Father's House Church to meet the needs of busy adult learners.

As you have gathered from the name, it will be intense! There will be 10 hours of instruction in just 3 days. Thursday 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Friday 6:30 pm - 9:30pm and Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm.

As with all courses, all you pay is our regular course tuition of $195. You can also audit the course for $125! (Audit: Attend the entire lecture portion of the course without registering as a student, taking the exam or receiving course credit.)

Enrolled students/auditors may also choose to attend Weekend Intensives via interactive live-stream if they do not live in the area. Email us at [email protected] for more details.